Puzzle Genius

Ancient logic puzzles have been a cornerstone of intellectual development and entertainment throughout history. These puzzles, originating from various civilizations, not only provided amusement but also played a significant role in the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This post delves into the origins, cultural impact, and evolution of these ancient conundrums, drawing connections to their modern-day descendants.

The Birth of Logic Puzzles in Ancient Civilizations

ancient logic puzzles cartoon

The earliest forms of logic puzzles can be traced back to ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, and China. These puzzles were often integrated into myths, religious practices, and the daily lives of the people. For instance, the famous Greek myth of the Labyrinth and the Minotaur is an early example of a maze, a type of logic puzzle that involves finding a path through a complex network.

In China, the I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, used a system of hexagrams to predict the future. This can be seen as an early form of a logic puzzle, requiring deep understanding and interpretation of abstract patterns.

Cultural Impact and Significance

These ancient puzzles were not merely for entertainment. They held significant cultural, educational, and philosophical importance. In Egypt, for example, hieroglyphs, which were a combination of logographic and alphabetic elements, presented a form of puzzle to decipher the language. This deciphering process honed skills in pattern recognition and logical thinking.

In Greece, philosophers like Plato and Aristotle used logical puzzles in their teachings to develop critical thinking skills. These puzzles were instrumental in the evolution of deductive reasoning and the scientific method.

Evolution of Ancient Puzzles into Modern Forms

Over the centuries, these ancient logic puzzles have evolved into various forms that we recognize today. The transformation can be seen in the evolution of mazes and labyrinths into more complex puzzle designs. Modern puzzles like Sudoku, which originated in Japan, owe their lineage to these ancient forms of brain teasers.

Linking to Modern Puzzles

Today's logic puzzles, such as Sudoku, are deeply rooted in these ancient traditions. They continue to challenge our minds and provide entertainment, much like their ancient counterparts. For those interested in experiencing a modern twist on these ancient challenges, exploring Puzzle Genius's diverse range of puzzles, including a mixed variety, can be a delightful journey through history and logic.

Continuing the Legacy: Ancient Logic Puzzles in Today's World

In today's digital age, ancient logic puzzles have found new life. Websites like this one offer a plethora of puzzles, including comprehensive guides like Sudoku From Scratch, which provide insights into solving modern puzzles that have their roots in ancient logic games. Additionally, for enthusiasts seeking regular updates and new challenges, subscribing to Puzzle Weekly offers a weekly dose of (free) brain-teasing fun.

The journey of ancient logic puzzles from their earliest forms to the present day highlights the enduring appeal and intellectual stimulation these games provide. They are not only a testament to human creativity and intelligence but also a bridge connecting past and present, traditional and modern, in the world of puzzles.

Hundred is a numerical puzzle that involves strategically placing digits in a grid to achieve specific sums in each row and column. The puzzle is played on a 3x3 or 4x4 grid. Here’s an example Hundred puzzle:

An example of a Hundred puzzle

As you can see, the cells are already filled with digits. Your task is to add extra digits into some or all cells in such a way the the sum of the numbers in each row and each column equals 100.

You can add digits before or after those already in a cell. So for example a 7 could become 17 by adding 1 in front of it, or 71 by putting the 1 after it.

There are no restrictions on how often you can use digits, and all the digits from 0 to 9 are on the table.

Here’s what the example puzzle looks like once it’s been solved:

The solution to the example Hundred puzzle.

Eulero, also known as a Graeco-Latin Square or Euler Square, is a fascinating logic puzzle that combines elements of Latin squares and Sudoku. Here’s what a small puzzle looks like:

An example of a Eulero puzzle grid.

The puzzle is played on a square grid. Bigger grids mean harder puzzles. Each cell in the grid must contain one letter and one digit. Normally, the letters and digits corresponds to the size of the grid. So in a 5x5 grid, we use use the letters A to E and the digits 1 to 5.

The objective of Eulero is to fill out the grid such that every row and every column contains each letter and each digit exactly once - ie no row or column can have a repeated letter or digit. Additionally, no two cells in the grid can contain the same pairing of a letter and a digit.

Here’s what our example puzzle looks like when complete:

The solution to the example Eulero puzzle.

Tips for Solving Eulero

Start with Known Pairs. Some cells are already filled in, or are partially filled in (depending on the difficulty level of the puzzle), so use them as a starting point. The given pairs can help you determine what can't be in the same row or column.

Elimination.  If you're unsure about where a particular symbol should go, consider where it can't go. This process of elimination can narrow down your options.

Sudoku. Eulero follows similar rules to Sudoku, which means that many Sudoku techniques can either be used directly, or adapted, to help solve the puzzle. See our detailed three-part Sudoku tutorial here for some ideas.

Where to Play

Fancy filling some thermometers? We publish this puzzle occasionally in our free Puzzle Weekly magazine. You should totally sign up for that if you haven’t already, as it puts 28 brand new puzzles in your inbox every week.

You can also find lots of Thermometers puzzles in our Jumbo Adult Puzzle Book – which happens to include more than 500 puzzles of 20 different varieties.

Stitches is an intriguing logic puzzle that involves connecting different regions of a grid with lines. This is what a small grid looks like:

Stitches logic puzzle e

The puzzle is played on a square grid divided into variously shaped regions. Each region must be connected to every one of its neighbouring regions by exactly one line. These lines are referred to as "stitches."

A stitch is a line that spans one cell, connecting two orthogonally adjacent cells from different regions.

A cell can be traversed by at most one stitch.

Numbers along the edge of the grid indicate how many line endpoints must be placed in the corresponding row or column.

Here is what the above example looks like once it’s been completed:

Solution to the example Stitches logic puzzle

Tips for Solving Stitches

Start with Edge Clues. Look at the rows and columns with numbers on the grid's edge. This tells you how many times a stitch must end in that row or column, guiding where to draw your initial stitches.

Use the Single Cell Rule. Since a cell can only have one stitch, if a stitch already passes through a cell, you can’t draw another stitch through that cell.

Check for Isolated Regions. Be wary of creating isolated regions where a region cannot possibly connect to a neighbour because all potential connecting cells are used up.

Consider Stitch Length. Stitches only extend one cell. This limits the possible connections, especially near the grid's edges or in tightly packed areas.

Balance Edge Requirements. Continuously cross-check the stitches with the edge numbers. Each row and column should have the exact number of endpoints as indicated by the clues.

Stitches is a great puzzle for those who enjoy spatial reasoning and planning. The challenge lies in ensuring all regions are properly connected while adhering to the grid's constraints. 

Where to Play

Fancy filling some thermometers? We publish this puzzle occasionally in our free Puzzle Weekly magazine. You should totally sign up for that if you haven’t already, as it puts 28 brand new puzzles in your inbox every week.

You can also find lots of Thermometers puzzles in our Jumbo Adult Puzzle Book – which happens to include more than 500 puzzles of 20 different varieties.

Thermometers is a pure logic puzzle played on a square or rectangular grid filled with thermometer shapes. Each thermometer has a base (the bulbous end) and a top. In simple puzzles, thermometers may be placed horizontally and / or vertically. In more difficult levels, the thermometers may be ‘broken’ such that they span more than one column or row.

The objective of the game is to fill the thermometers sufficiently that the number of cells filled in a row and column of the grid corresponds to the numbers on the outside of the grid.

Here’s a small example Thermometers puzzle:

A small example of a thermometers puzzle.


  • Thermometers can be entirely unfilled, partially filled, or completely filled.
  • Thermometer always fill from the base toward the top. This is irrespective of the thermometer's actual orientation on the grid.
  • Each filled segment of a thermometer counts as one filled cell.

Here is what the example puzzle looks like when it has been solved:

The solution to the thermometers example puzzle.

Tips for Solving Thermometers

Start with Extremes. Look for rows or columns with a 0 written outside. This means no cell in that row or column is filled, so all thermometers crossing it remain unfilled beyond that cell. Similarly, if a row or column's clue equals its length (e.g., a clue of '5' for a row of 5 cells), then every cell in that row or column is filled.

Look for Forced Fills. If a thermometer segment in a row or column is filled, then all segments below it (toward the base) must also be filled. Conversely, if a segment is unfilled, all segments above it (toward the top) must be unfilled too.

 Use Partial Information. Even if you can't completely determine the fill status of a row, column, or thermometer, partial fills can help. For instance, if you have a row of 8 cells with a clue of '6', and two thermometers with bases in that row, you know at least some segments of those thermometers must be filled to meet the clue.

Mind the Gaps. If filling a thermometer segment would exceed the clue number for a row or column, then that segment (and those above it) must remain unfilled.

Use Pencil Marks. For cells you’re not sure about, mark potential fills lightly. If they lead to contradictions, you can erase and reassess.

Where to Play

Fancy filling some thermometers? We publish this puzzle occasionally in our free Puzzle Weekly magazine. You should totally sign up for that if you haven’t already, as it puts 28 brand new puzzles in your inbox every week.

You can also find lots of Thermometers puzzles in our Jumbo Adult Puzzle Book – which happens to include more than 500 puzzles of 20 different varieties.

Star Battle is a pure logic puzzle that takes seconds to learn, but can become surprisingly tricky as the difficulty level increases.

The puzzle is played on a square grid which is divided into various regions, delimited by bold lines.

Here is an example of a Star Battle grid:

An example Star Battle grid

The objective of te puzzle is to place stars into the cells such that every row, column, and grid contains exactly the same number of stars. Stars cannot be placed in adjacent cells (ie stars cannot be in cells that touch horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). Every region must contain one star when the puzzle is complete.

Here’s what the earlier example grid looks like once it’s been solved:

The solution to the example star battle grid.

Tips for Solving Star Battle:

Start with Smallest Regions. If a region is particularly small or has a unique shape, it might have limited options for star placements. Begin there.

Mark Forbidden Cells. Once you place a star, mark all adjacent cells as forbidden for star placement. This will help you visualise where stars can't go, which often reveals where they should go. You can use a dot, a small x, or shade these cells lightly to indicate they're off-limits for stars.

Use Pencil Marks. If you're unsure about a star's placement, mark it lightly or use a different symbol. If it doesn't lead to any contradictions, it might be a valid placement.

Look for Forced Moves. Sometimes, the configuration of a region or the placement of stars nearby will force a star into a specific cell. Look out for these as they can give quick progress.

Where to Play

Want to try your hand at Star Battle? We sometimes include this puzzle in our free Puzzle Weekly magazine – you should totally sign up for that if you haven’t already, as it puts 28 brand new puzzles in your inbox every week.
You can also find four levels of the puzzle in our Jumbo Adult Puzzle Book – which happens to include more than 500 puzzles of 20 different varieties.

Tetromino is a logic puzzle that originated in Japan. The puzzle consists of a rectangular or square grid with symbols in some of its cells. The symbols can be triangles, diamonds, squares, or circles.

The objective of the puzzle is to divide the grid into regions, each comprising exactly four cells – known as tetrominoes – and each containing two symbols. And yes, tetrominoes are the same shapes you find in Tetris! For reference, here are the possible tetromino shapes:

Examples of tetromino shapes

These are just the basic shapes – tetrominoes can be flipped and / or mirrored, giving more possibilities.

Here’s what a simple Tetromino grid looks like:

An example of a small Tetromino grid

Rules of Tetromino

  • Each tetromino must contain exactly two different symbols.
  • Tetrominoes of the same shape must all contain the same two symbols, though not necessarily in the same positions.
  • Tetrominoes can be flipped, rotated or mirrored – they still count as the same shape whatever their orientation.
  • When the puzzle is complete, every cell must be part of a tetromino, no cell can be left orphaned.

Here is the what the above example puzzle looks like once it’s been solved by drawing in the tetromino regions:

The completed example Tetromino puzzle

Tips for Solving Tetromino

Work from the edges. Starting from the edges can be beneficial because there are fewer possibilities for tetromino placements. Once the edges are filled, it can make the inner sections easier to tackle.

Start with known shapes. Look for cells that already have symbols and try to form tetrominoes around them. Remember, each tetromino must have two different symbols.

Rotation and mirroring. Tetrominoes can be rotated or mirrored. This means that the same shape can appear in different orientations throughout the grid.

Avoid isolating symbols. As you form tetrominoes, ensure that you don't isolate any symbols. Every symbol should be part of a tetromino.

Try using colour. Some people find that colouring in the symbols can help them solve the puzzle more easily. That’s because some brains are wired to see colour differentials more prominently than shape differentials. Some people consider this cheating. We believe it’s a personal choice, so all of our Tetromino puzzles use unfilled symbols so that you have the option of colouring them.

Check for consistency. As you progress, regularly check to ensure that tetrominoes of the same shape have the same symbols. Adjust as necessary.

Use deduction. If you're stuck, try to deduce where symbols might go based on the remaining empty cells and the requirement for each tetromino to have two different symbols.

Use elimination. If you're unsure about a particular placement, consider all possible tetromino shapes that could fit in that space. By eliminating the ones that don't meet the symbol criteria, you can narrow down your options.

Look for unique symbols. If a particular symbol appears less frequently on the grid, focus on it. Since each tetromino must contain two different symbols, this can guide your placements.

Avoid creating un-fillable spaces. As you place tetrominoes, be cautious not to create spaces that can't be filled with a tetromino. If you notice such a space, backtrack and adjust your previous placements.

Sketch out possibilities. If you're solving on paper, lightly sketch out potential tetromino shapes before committing. This allows you to visualise placements without making permanent marks.

Stay flexible. Don't get too attached to a particular placement. If you find that a section isn't working out, be willing to erase or adjust your placements. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can help you see new possibilities.

Break down larger grids. For larger puzzles, it can be beneficial to break the grid down into smaller sections. Solve each section individually, then work to connect them together.

Like all puzzles, the more you practice, the better you'll become at spotting patterns and solving Tetromino puzzles more quickly. Practice with different difficulties. Start with simpler puzzles to get a feel for the game mechanics. As you become more confident, challenge yourself with more complex grids.

Where to Play

Want to try your hand at Tetromino? We have the perfect book for you! Tetromino: Volume 1 contains 100 puzzles over five levels of difficulty. We sometimes also feature this puzzle in our free Puzzle Weekly magazine – you should totally sign up for that if you haven’t already, as it puts 28 brand new puzzles in your inbox every week.

In recent years, the spectre of dementia and Alzheimer's disease looms larger as the population ages. Over six million Americans are currently navigating the challenges these conditions present. The quest for preventative measures and effective management strategies is a bustling field of research, constantly unveiling new avenues to explore. Among the myriad of potential interventions, one simple yet potent activity stands out - solving puzzles.

Image of an older person filling their head with puzzles.

The act of solving a puzzle is not just a fleeting diversion but a vigorous exercise for the brain. It demands a blend of logic, creativity, and mental endurance, making it a promising candidate for cognitive preservation. Recent findings suggest that engaging in puzzle-solving can serve as a form of mental gymnastics that keeps the brain agile and may even slow the progression of mild dementia. This age-old pastime, often associated with leisurely Sunday mornings, could hold a key to unlocking a robust mental state well into our twilight years.

As the saying goes, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste." Hence, nurturing our cognitive abilities through stimulating activities like puzzles is not merely a whimsical endeavour but a practical, enjoyable strategy to ward off the encroaching shadows of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In the following sections, we will delve into the science behind puzzles and their potential role in promoting cognitive longevity, shedding light on how this accessible activity could be a small yet significant piece in the larger picture of dementia prevention. 

Cognitive Engagement Through Puzzles

The beauty of puzzles lies in their ability to captivate our minds, pulling us into a realm where logic, pattern recognition, and creative thought intertwine. Whether it's the humble Sudoku or an intricate Hashiwokakero, puzzles provide a playground for our cognitive faculties. In navigating the challenges posed by puzzles, individuals inadvertently engage in a form of mental training, honing crucial skills that are instrumental in combating the cognitive decline associated with dementia.

Memory Enhancement

One of the first faculties to be threatened by dementia is memory. Puzzles often require the solver to retain and manipulate information, be it remembering patterns in a Sudoku or recalling words in a crossword. This active engagement aids in both short-term memory recall and the strengthening of long-term memory associations.

Improved Concentration

Concentration is a muscle; the more it's exercised, the stronger it becomes. Puzzles demand a level of focus and attention to detail that can significantly improve an individual's concentration span. Over time, this heightened focus can translate into better cognitive resilience against distracting or irrelevant information.

Sharpening Problem-Solving Skills

The essence of solving a puzzle lies in the ability to identify, analyse, and overcome challenges. This process is a microcosm of problem-solving, a skill that is indispensable in daily life. By regularly engaging in puzzle-solving, individuals can sharpen their problem-solving skills, enhancing their ability to approach and resolve issues in a structured, logical manner.

Visual and Spatial Reasoning

Puzzles like Tetoron necessitate a keen understanding of spatial relationships and visual information. This engagement promotes better visual and spatial reasoning, which is crucial in tasks ranging from simple navigation to complex problem-solving.

The cognitive stimulation provided by puzzles extends beyond a mere pastime. It's an enjoyable endeavour that catalyses brain activity, promoting an active, engaged mind. According to a report, indulging in mentally challenging activities like reading and solving puzzles later in life may delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease by up to five years, bolstering the narrative that cognitive stimulation is instrumental in maintaining a healthy brain.

Research Findings on Puzzles and Dementia

Another older person packing puzzles into their head.

The potential benefits of puzzle-solving in dementia prevention and management have piqued the interest of researchers. Various studies have explored this relationship, shedding light on how engaging in mentally stimulating activities like puzzles can impact cognitive health.

Evidenced Delay in Alzheimer’s Onset

A compelling body of research suggests that mentally challenging activities, including puzzle-solving, can significantly delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. For instance, a report highlighted that individuals who engage in such activities later in life could delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by up to five years. This delay not only represents a substantial improvement in quality of life but also has broader implications for the management of dementia-related conditions on a societal scale.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Engaging the brain in the rigorous exercise of solving puzzles has been shown to enhance cognitive function, particularly in individuals already diagnosed with dementia. The act of puzzle-solving stimulates various cognitive abilities including memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for maintaining a level of independence and quality of life.

Table: Summary of Key Research Findings

StudyKey FindingsSourceYear
Delayed Alzheimer's Onset Up to 5-year delay in Alzheimer's onset with regular mental stimulationAlzinfo.org2021
JAMA Open StudyFrequent engagement in brain-challenging activities lowers dementia riskMedical News Today2023
Cognitive Function EnhancementImproved memory, concentration, and problem-solving skillsNao MedicalN/A

The findings underscore the potential of puzzles as a non-invasive, enjoyable, and effective means to not only enhance cognitive function but also combat the debilitating effects of dementia. The rigorous mental exercise provided by puzzles forms a proactive approach to maintaining cognitive health, fostering a resilient mind capable of withstanding the challenges posed by dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Practical Applications

The theoretical and empirical underpinnings of puzzles' benefits in dementia prevention and management open up a realm of practical applications. With a variety of puzzles available, individuals and caregivers can easily incorporate this enjoyable activity into daily routines, fostering a stimulating environment conducive to cognitive wellness.

Incorporating Puzzles into Daily Routines

Incorporating puzzles into one's daily routine is a straightforward yet effective way to engage the mind. Whether it's solving a Sudoku over breakfast, working on a Word Search in the afternoon, or indulging in a challenging maze before bed, these activities provide a flexible means to stimulate cognitive function throughout the day. 

Choosing the Right Puzzle

The effectiveness of puzzle-solving in enhancing cognitive function hinges on choosing puzzles that are both engaging and appropriately challenging. The right puzzle can provide just enough challenge to stimulate the brain without causing frustration. 

Boosting Self-Esteem and Social Interaction

Beyond the cognitive benefits, puzzles can also serve as a medium for social interaction and a source of personal achievement. Completing puzzles can foster a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem, especially crucial for those grappling with dementia. Moreover, puzzle-solving can be a communal activity, promoting social interaction and emotional support among participants.

Tailored Puzzle Therapy

For individuals who have already developed memory loss, tailored puzzle therapy can provide an avenue for cognitive engagement. By selecting puzzles that align with an individual's cognitive level and interests, caregivers can create a personalised approach to stimulating mental activity. Research has shown that puzzles can have a positive impact on the cognitive function of those with dementia, making this a viable strategy for dementia management.

The myriad benefits of puzzles extend beyond mere cognitive stimulation, encompassing emotional and social dimensions that are instrumental in enhancing the quality of life for individuals, especially the elderly. The simplicity and accessibility of puzzles make them a practical, enjoyable tool in the battle against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 


As we navigate the labyrinth of life, the spectre of cognitive decline looms, especially as we approach the golden years. The scourge of dementia and Alzheimer's disease threatens to rob individuals of their cherished memories and the essence of who they are. Amid this somber reality, the quest for proactive measures to preserve our cognitive health is imperative. The simple act of solving puzzles emerges as a beacon of hope in this endeavour.

An infographic detailing how puzzles can ward off dementia

Puzzles, with their myriad forms and complexities, offer a robust yet enjoyable means to stimulate the mind, harnessing the power of play in service of cognitive wellness. Through the elucidation of various research findings, we've unveiled the significant potential of puzzles in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease, enhancing cognitive function, and improving the quality of life for those already on the dementia journey.

The accessibility and variety of puzzles allow for seamless integration into daily routines, providing a practical approach to cognitive engagement. Whether it's the solitary pleasure of solving a Sudoku or the communal joy of piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, these activities foster a culture of mental agility and social interaction, crucial components in the fight against dementia.

Moreover, the emotional uplift and the sense of accomplishment derived from solving puzzles add a layer of psychological well-being, further enhancing the quality of life for individuals, especially those grappling with the challenges posed by dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

As we forge ahead in the battle against cognitive decline, embracing the humble puzzle as a companion on this journey offers a promising, enjoyable, and meaningful strategy. It's a small yet significant step towards a mentally vibrant life, where every solved puzzle symbolises a victory in the enduring quest for cognitive longevity. So, let's embrace the joy of puzzle-solving, not just as a pastime, but as a proactive stride towards a cognitively enriched life amidst the shadows of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

No Four in a Row is played on a square grid, which can vary in size according to the level of difficulty. Some of the cells in the grid are filled with either Xs or Os. The objective of the puzzle is to fill in the rest of the grid with more Xs and Os such that there are never four (or more) of the same symbol appearing consecutively either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Here is an example of a small grid:

No Four in a Row example grid

Here is what the example puzzle looks like once it has been solved:

The solution to the example No Four in a Row puzzle

Tips for Solving No Four in a Row

Start with given symbols. Consider the rows and columns the pre-filled symbols are in, and ensure that placing symbols around them won’t immediately violate the "no four in a row" rule.

Look for safe plays. Initially, try to place symbols in positions where it’s impossible to form four in a row due to the grid's boundaries.

Blocking. Sometimes, it’s beneficial to place a symbol simply to prevent a row of three (which would necessitate a block to prevent a row of four on the next turn).

Mind the diagonals. Diagonal lines can be tricky. Keep a close eye on the longer diagonals of the grid to make sure you’re not accidentally forming a line of four.

Adjustments. Be ready to reassess and retrace your steps if you find yourself in a position where you’re forced to place four symbols in a row.

Consider future moves. When placing a symbol, consider how it will impact future moves, especially in the surrounding rows, columns, and diagonals.

The more you play, the more you'll begin to notice patterns and strategies that work, making it easier to navigate through trickier puzzles.

Where to Play

Want to try your hand at No Four in a Row? We sometimes include them in our free Puzzle Weekly magazine – you should totally sign up for that if you haven’t already, as it puts 28 brand new puzzles in your inbox every week.

You can also find four levels of the puzzle in our Jumbo Adult Puzzle Book – which happens to include more than 500 puzzles of 20 different varieties.

We are excited beyond words to announce the launch of Puzzle Weekly – our brand new weekly puzzle publication. It’s been a labor of love, hours of brainstorming, and countless moments of exhilaration as we have put together this new weekly logic puzzle collection.

Why Puzzle Weekly? 

Puzzle Weekly magazine cover

We’ve been publishing free daily puzzles right here on our website for years. They’ve been popular. So popular in fact, that we wanted to do more. One puzzle a day, no matter how carefully curated, just felt a little, well, little

Our first thought was simply to put more puzzles onto the website each day. However, we realised this was an excellent opportunity to do something different. Something better. Thus Puzzle Weekly was born: 28 brand new puzzles delivered in a beautifully crafted digital magazine direct to your inbox every week.

What Can You Expect? 

  1. A Weekly Challenge: Every issue promises 28 carefully crafted puzzles, ensuring you have a fresh challenge for each day.
  2. For Our Young Puzzlers: We haven't forgotten our junior solvers. A special puzzle each day is dedicated to them. Plus we’re including a unique colouring page each week, too.
  3. Discover Lesser-Known Gems: While Sudoku might be a familiar face, get ready to meet and conquer lesser-known stars like Hashiwokakero, Number Cross, and Shirokuru.
  4. Go Digital or Traditional: While Puzzle Weekly is a digital publication optimised for devices like iPads, Kindles, and reMarkable tablets, we also appreciate the charm of the good old pen (or pencil) and paper. That’s why we’re including a special print-friendly section that ensures the best of both worlds.

The Best Part? 

This brainy buffet comes to you completely free! It's our way of celebrating the pure joy of puzzles and sharing that with a community that appreciates a good brain-tease as much as we do.

How To Get Puzzle Weekly

It’s super easy to get your free copy in your inbox every week. Click here and you can subscribe for free at SubStack – all we need is the email address you want your copy delivered to. Don’t worry, we won’t spam you, and you can unsubscribe any time. 

Get Your Free Puzzle Weekly Subscription Here

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