Puzzle Genius

This Week:

Binary – it's not just for computers!

  • Binairo
  • Thermometers

Plus the usual features, including:

  • Crossword
  • Sudoku
  • Kid's puzzles
  • Colouring pages
Puzzle Weekly 21st October 2024

Binairo, which is sometimes also called Takuzu, is a pure logic puzzle played on a variable sized grid. Using just 1s and 0s, it might be quick to learn but it can be a real challenge to solve! Here’s a small example puzzle:

Binairo Small Example puzzle

The goal is to fill the grid with 1s and 0s, following certain rules.

Rules of Binairo

There are only three rules to remember:

  1. No number can appear more than twice consecutively in a row or column.
  2. Each row and column contains the same number of 1s as 0s.
  3. No row or column can be duplicated within the puzzle.

Here is what the example puzzle looks like once completed:

The solution to the example puzzle above.

Solving Binairo Puzzles

Every puzzle has a single valid solution, though of course there may be lots of ways to reach that solution.

Unlike many kinds of logic puzzle, Binairo is not necessarily easier to solve from the outside in; even the corners aren’t helpful. On the contrary, the easiest wins come from clusters of numbers.

Here are some tips on how to approach solving a puzzle. Below, we will work through an example from beginning to end.

  • As with any puzzle, look for ‘easy wins’ first. There are three kinds of easy placement in Binairo:
    1. Doubles – i.e. two 1s or two 0s adjacent within a row or column. You can immediately place the opposite number either side of a double (otherwise you’d be putting three in a row, which violates rule 1).
    2. Empty cells with the same number either side of them. As with doubles, you can immediately fill the cell with the opposite number.
    3. Single remaining cells within a row or column. You’re unlikely to find these off the bat, except in very easiest puzzles. As you progress through a puzzle though, they crop up a lot. Simply count up the 1s and 0s already present in the row or column to work out what the final missing number must be. 
  • When you’re out of easy wins, look for forced placements based on the number of 0s and 1s you know you must put in a row or column. For example, if you know you have to place three 0s and you have four cells remaining, if three of them are in a row, the three 0s cannot all go in there together. Therefore one of them must go in the other free cell.
  • Remember after filling a cell to check for any consequences. Often placing even just one number will have a ripple effect, giving you an easy win which leads on to more easy wins. 

Worked Example

As with all puzzles, there’s not a single correct way to solve a Binairo. The example presented here is just one way, and is a demonstration of the general techniques used.

Binairo Worked Example 1

Here is the grid we are going to work through. This is a level 2 puzzle, so though it’s easy to complete, it still presents enough of a challenge to give an overview of the techniques used to solve these puzzles.

We’ll begin by looking for all the easy wins. Remember there are three kinds of easy win. First up, doubles (two adjacent numbers the same).

Binairo Worked Example 2

There are six doubles. We know that the numbers either side of them must be the opposite of the numbers forming the doubles, otherwise we’d be trying to put three numbers in a row, which isn’t allowed. So between them, these doubles allow us to solve seven cells. We’ll put those numbers in now.

Binairo Worked Example 3

Filling those in gave us three new doubles. We’ve also got an almost completed column (another easy win). We can fill in the yellow cell straight away; we know we must have an even number of 0s and 1s in each row and column. That column already has four 0s, but only three 1s. Therefore the yellow cell must be a 1.

Binairo Worked Example 4

Now the top row is almost complete, so we can figure out what the one remaining (yellow) cell must be. We’ve got all the 1s, so it must be a 0. 

We can also work out the two remaining cells in the second column must both be 0s, for the same reason.

Binairo Worked Example 5

We’ve used up all the easy doubles for now, so let’s check on another kind of easy win - empty cells with the same number either side. There are two such opportunities available here, so we can fill out those cells.

Binairo Worked Example 6

That’s opened up two new opportunities: there’s a single remaining cell in column three (yellow), and a new double in column five (green). Even without the double, we could complete that column just based on the count of 0s and 1s.

Binairo Worked Example 7

The penultimate row has a new double (which is also a single cell surrounded by two numbers the same).
Row five has a full complement of 1s, so we know the last two cells must both be 0.

Binairo Worked Example 8

We’ve got one more easy win for now (the green highlight). There are a couple more cells we can solve here too.

First, the blue column. It’s already got three 0s, and as this is an 8x8 grid we know we need one more. Although there are three empty cells, there’s only one into which we can place the missing 0 – the bottom cell marked with the blue X. If we put it in either of the others, we’d be making a row of three.

Next, the yellow row. We know that one needs three more zeros. We can’t put all of them in the last three cells, so one of them must go in the cell with the purple X.

Binairo Worked Example 9

Now we’ve got a double and a single cell, although we don’t need them anyway because as there are four 0s already, both remaining cells in that column must be 1s.

Binairo Worked Example 10

Here’s another single we can fill in.

Binairo Worked Example 11

That gives us a row with one empty cell.

Binairo Worked Example 12

Here’s an easy double.

Binairo Worked Example 13

That gives us an almost complete row.

Binairo Worked Example 14

We’re out of doubles, and empty singles. In fact, we’re left with several pairs of cells and no obvious answers as to which way around to fill them.

But we do have a way to move forward. We can use several pieces of logic to solve the blue and green cells. We can combine our knowledge of what numbers we still need to place, along with the fact that no two columns can be the same. The column with the blue cells is shaping up to look a lot like column two. And the column with the green cells is looking like its neighbour to the left so far. These facts limit our placement options.

Let’s consider, for example, the end column. We must place three 0s somewhere. If we put them both in the top two free cells, that would make the two blue cells at the top of column six both 1s. But that would make it impossible to fill in the remaining free cells in rows two and three correctly:

Binairo Worked Example 14b

This is wrong! Clearly that cannot be the solution...

Binairo Worked Example 15

In fact, if we work through the options, there’s only one way we can fill in the blue and green cells in such a way that the columns don’t duplicate others, and that allows us to complete the last two cells correctly. And that’s it – we’ve completed the puzzle.

Try Binairo Yourself

Ready to have a go yourself? We’ve put together a taster of four puzzles for you, including the example above. You can download and print the PDF below. Solutions are included, but no cheating!

Download Our Binairo Taster

Where To Play

Puzzle Weekly Presents: Binairo - Front cover

Finished the taster and want more Binairo in your life? No problem! Get 120 carefully crafted puzzles set over seven levels in Puzzle Weekly Presents: Binairo – it's great value!

We publish Binairo puzzles in Puzzle Weekly from time to time. Puzzle Weekly is our free weekly puzzle magazinefind out more, and get your copy, here

This Week:

Another week, and another new puzzle! And an old favourite returns, too.

  • Line Segment
  • Number Cross

Plus the usual features, including:

  • Crossword
  • Sudoku
  • Kid's puzzles
  • Colouring pages
Puzzle Weekly 14th October 2024

This Week:

We've got not one but two brand new types of puzzle for you:

  • Tents
  • Hidato

Plus the usual features, including:

  • Crossword
  • Sudoku
  • Kid's puzzles
  • Colouring pages
Puzzle Weekly 7th October 2024

It's October, which means another quarter of the year is behind us. And that means there's a brand new volume of Puzzle Quarterly!

Puzzle Quarterly Volume 4 Front Cover

With all the puzzles from the July, August, and September 2024 issues of Puzzle Weekly, this bumper compendium includes:

  • 392 puzzles
  • 15 different kinds of puzzle
  • Seven different levels
  • 98 kids puzzles
  • 14 colouring pages

The large 8.5x11" format means all the puzzles have plenty of space for notes, candidates, doodles, and and of course, solutions!

All the details are here!

Thermometers is a logic puzzle played on a square or rectangular grid filled with thermometer shapes. Each thermometer has a base (the bulbous end) and a top. In easy to intermediate level puzzles, thermometers may be placed horizontally and / or vertically. In more difficult levels, the thermometers may be ‘broken’ such that they span more than one column or row.

The objective of the game is to fill the thermometers sufficiently that the number of cells filled in a row and column of the grid corresponds to the numbers on the outside of the grid.

Here’s a small example Thermometers puzzle:

Thermometers small sample puzzle

Rules of Thermometers

The thermometers are filled (or not) according to the following rules:

  • Thermometers can be entirely unfilled, partially filled, or completely filled.
  • Thermometers always fill from the bulb toward the top. This is irrespective of the thermometer's actual orientation on the grid.
  • Each filled segment of a thermometer counts as one filled cell.

Here is what the example puzzle looks like when it has been solved:

Thermometers small sample puzzle - solution

Solving Thermometers Puzzles

These puzzles are solved through a combination of forced positioning and elimination. Here are some tips to get you started.

  • Look for rows or columns with a 0 written outside. This means no cell in that row or column is filled, so all thermometers crossing it remain unfilled beyond that cell. Zeros are rare in all but the easiest puzzles though.
  • Look for total fills. For example, a clue of 5 for a row of five cells would mean every cell in that row or column is filled. Again, such clues are rare outside of easy puzzles.
  • Look for forced fills. If a thermometer segment in a row or column is filled, then all segments below it (toward the bulb) must also be filled.
  • Check for forced ‘empties’. If you know for sure a segment is unfilled, then all segments above it (away from the bulb) must be unfilled too.
  • Partially fill where you can. Often you can work out that at least a certain number of cells must be filled, so fill them. Even if it doesn’t complete the row or column, having filled part of the thermometer can help solve rows or columns crossed by it.
  • Cross out cells you have determined cannot be filled. Eliminating places you cannot fill is just as important as determining those you can. It reduces options for filling other rows and columns.
  • It can also be helpful to cross off the numbers outside the grid as you complete columns and rows.
  • Highlighter pens work well for filling thermometers quickly if you are solving on paper.

Worked Example

We are going to work through a sample puzzle from beginning to end. This is a level 2 puzzle, so easy to complete but a good demonstration of the techniques required. Remember that there’s no single path to a solution; this is just an example of one way to solve this puzzle.

Thermometers worked example 1

This is the grid we are starting with. As a level 2 it’s fairly small, and the thermometers only run horizontally and vertically. We’ll start off by looking for the easiest fills. Being a 7x7 grid, those 6s look promising.

Thermometers worked example 2

The final column is an easy win. Out of seven cells, six need to be filled. It’s easy enough to work out the one that cannot be filled – it’s in a row labelled 2, at the end of a thermometer four cells long. Obviously the end two cells of that thermometer can never be filled. To make life easier, we can cross them out. We know all the other cells in the column are filled. We can strike through the 6 at the top of the grid too, so we know we’ve done that column.

Let’s look at the first row, which is also a 6.

Thermometers worked example 3

Because we’ve already got one cell filled in that row, we have to fill the whole of the other thermometer. We cannot possibly fill the cell in 1-column, because, well, that column can only contain one filled segment and that thermometer is four cells high! In fact, while we are at it, we will strike out the top three cells of that thermometer because we know they can never be filled. That row is done, so we can strike out its label, too.

Now we know how to complete the first column.

Thermometers worked example 4

We can fill up the first five cells of the thermometer, reaching our target of 6. We strike out the bottom cell as it can’t be used, and strike out the label because that column is complete.

Now we’ve done the easy ones, let’s do some elimination. We’ll see if there’s anything we know we definitely cannot fill.

Thermometers worked example 5

We can take out four more cells. Now, consider the row highlighted in yellow. We need to fill five cells, and have already filled two. There are four cells remaining. We know we’ll have to fill the bulbs of the two thermometers that start in that row, even if we don’t yet know where the fifth cell will be.

Thermometers worked example 6

Putting those in completes the 1-column. Striking out the cell at the bottom of that column leaves us only one place to put our second cell in the 2-row (bottom row), so we can fill that in as well. These last placements have more knock-on effects: we can strike out cells in both the 3-columns because they are impossible to reach now.

Where next? Well, that second row (5) is looking promising.

Thermometers worked example 7

We needed to fill three cells, and there were only three left. We’ve completed that row. We’ve also completed the 3-column, so we can cross out the last two cells in that one.

The cell we filled in the 4-column is useful, because it’s at the top of a thermometer. We must fill the cells below it.

Thermometers worked example 8

That’s completed the 4-column, so we cross out the remaining cell. That leaves us only one place to fill in the last cell in the 5-row highlighted...

Thermometers worked example 9

…and because that’s the top of a thermometer (even if it’s upside down), we have to fill the cells below it. That completes a whole bunch of columns and rows! In fact, we only have one cell left to fill in to complete the puzzle…

Thermometers worked example 10

That last cell completes the remaining 2-row and 3-column. All done!

That was easy, wasn’t it? Of course it was, it was a level 2 puzzle! We publish seven levels of difficulty, with bigger grids, longer thermometers, and even thermometers that go around corners. Harder grids also have rows or columns without labels. Plenty to give your brain a proper workout. Read on to find out more.

Try Thermometers Yourself

Ready to have a go yourself? We’ve put together a taster of four puzzles for you, including the example above. You can download and print the PDF below. Solutions are included, but no cheating!

Download Our Thermometers Taster

Where to Play

Fancy filling some thermometers? We publish this puzzle occasionally in our free Puzzle Weekly magazine. You should totally sign up for that if you haven’t already, as it puts at least 28 brand new puzzles in your inbox every week.

You can also find lots of Thermometers puzzles in our Jumbo Adult Puzzle Book – which happens to include more than 500 puzzles of 20 different varieties.

This Week:

  • No Four in a Row
  • Suguru
  • Crossword
  • Sudoku
  • Kid's puzzles
  • Colouring pages
Puzzle Weekly, 30th September 2024

Line segment is a spatial awareness logic puzzle invented in the USA. Whilst it can look a little daunting at first, it’s actually very straightforward to learn. Here’s a very small example puzzle:

Simple example of a Line Segment puzzle

The aim of the puzzle is to fill every cell with lines that can run either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Naturally, there are some rules.

Rules of Line Segment

  • Every cell containing an H must have a horizontal line passing through it.
  • Every cell containing a V must have a vertical line passing through it.
  • Every cell containing a D must have a diagonal line passing through it.
  • Lines must pass through either three or four consecutive cells.
  • Every cell must be traversed by one (and only one) line.

Solving Line Segment Puzzles

Here’s what the earlier example looks like once it’s been solved:

Solution to the example Line Segment puzzle

This very small puzzle is particularly easy because there are no diagonals. Most puzzles are larger and include diagonal lines. 

Solving Line Segment puzzles is largely a process of elimination. Here are some tips that should help you get started. Below, we’ll work through a larger puzzle from start to finish.

  • Begin by putting vertical and horizontal bars through the Vs and Hs in the puzzle. As you do so, you’ll find that some of them must be connected.
  • Work inwards from the outside. It can be useful to start from the top, then when you are about halfway down, move to the bottom row and work up from there. A V in the top or bottom row only has one direction a line can be drawn from. Similarly, an H in the first or last column is an easy win as you know you can draw a line at least three cells wide (unless constrained by another letter).
  • As you eliminate cells by putting lines through them, look for further constraints that have been created.
  • If you get stuck, look for cells where there are only one or two possible directions of travel.
  • Work through all the Hs and Vs before attacking the Ds. Diagonals have twice as many directional options so they are harder to constrain!
  • Keep an eye out for ‘landlocked’ cells. If drawing a line is going to cut of a cell and make it impossible to connect to another line, you’re making a mistake.

Worked Example

Let’s put everything into practice and work through a real puzzle. 

Line Segment worked example 1

Here’s the grid we are going to solve. We’ll begin at the top left and work across, marking out horizontal and vertical cells. As we do, we are bound to pick up some ‘quick wins’ - sections we know we can complete. We’ll ignore diagonals for now because they are more complicated.

Line Segment worked example - 2

You can see we’ve worked across the top row, and that’s already allowed us to eliminate several cells. The first cell is a V, and we know it must descend at least 3 cells vertically. Maybe it connects to the next V below it, maybe not, we don’t know. The same thing goes for the V in the second cell.
When we get to the H, we know we must go at least 3 cells to the right (can’t go left), so that knocks out the next H.
The final H in the top row is an interesting one; we don’t know whether it incorporates the right-most cell or not, but as it must be at least three cells wide, it must include the cell to its left. So we can bar those two.
Let’s continue along the next row.

Line Segment worked example - 3

We can bar three cells with the first H (can’t go left so it has to go right). We don’t yet know if the second H connects to the first or not, but either way we can bar it.
The V at the end must connect to the others below it.
At this time, we still cannot determine what goes in the two empty cells in the top row. Maybe they connect to the Hs, or maybe they are part of diagonals. We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, we’ll continue working down the puzzle. Let’s do the next three rows, still looking at Hs and Vs, and leaving the Ds alone for now.

Line Segment worked example - 4

The H is easy – it’s hemmed in by Ds on either side so it’s a no-brainer. The three Vs can be marked out, but we don’t yet know whether they connect to the others below them. We’ll find out later.
Before we move to the bottom of the puzzle, let’s look at the D which I’ve highlighted. I know I said we aren’t looking at diagonals yet, but this one’s interesting because it’s hemmed in on all sides except two, and one of those is not a valid move. Can you see which? The only possible place we can put a valid line (ie one at least 3 cells long) is to the bottom right. So we might as well put that in now...

Line Segment worked example - 5

Having that diagonal is going to help us by eliminating other possible placements later. For now though, we’ve moved more than halfway into this puzzle, so let’s switch to the bottom and work up from there. By working from outside in, we are making the constraints of the puzzle work in our favour. We’ll just do the bottom row for now.

Line Segment worked example - 6

The first V must go up at least three cells. At this point we can see that the only way to make a valid vertical line with the two remaining Vs in that column is to connect them together plus a cell below, so we can draw that in too.
The first H in that bottom row must be at least three cells wide, but we don’t yet know if it connects to the second, so we’ll just put a bar through that.
The stacked Vs in the penultimate column are connected and must include at least one more cell. The final V is a no-brainer because it’s hemmed in above by the D.
Now we can look at the last H and the four remaining Vs.

Line Segment worked example - 7

The first two Vs must be connected. If we draw in the H, which has to be three cells wide because it’s hemmed in on both sides, then we can see that the V in the third column up must connect to the one above it we already drew in - there’s nowhere else for it to go.
That leaves one V in the fourth column, and because of the diagonal we put in earlier, we know it must be three cells high.
We can go back and look at the two cells I’ve highlighted in blue. These cells are now cut off from the rest of the puzzle – they can’t be reached by any possible diagonals. There are only two of them, so they can’t form an independent vertical either. The only way we can fill them is to connect them to the verticals above and below, so we’ll do that now.

Line Segment worked example - 8

At this stage we have marked off all the H and V cells, and filled in all our quick wins. We even managed to sneak a diagonal in there. Where next? Well, if we examine the remaining empty cells, we can see that almost all of them could be part of several different lines. For example, the top-right cell could form part of the horizontal line to its left, or it could be a diagonal. There’s a block of six empty cells near the middle towards the right – they are full of potential. They could be two horizontal lines, or parts of diagonals, or possibly even part of a vertical in one case.
The cell highlighted in blue is a different case though. It can’t be a horizontal because it’s hemmed in that way, and it can’t be a vertical because it’s only got one free cell below it. It must be a diagonal, and there’s only one direction we can draw a valid line from it. Let’s draw that in.

Line Segment worked example - 9

There are a few ways we can advance from here, but we’ll stick close to the edges because of the built-in constraints. The highlighted D could be drawn in two ways – from its top-left to bottom right, or it could form the bottom of a diagonal going up and to the right (both possibilities highlighted). Can you work out which is the correct line? It has to be the one going up and to the right, because if we went the other way, we would be locking off the cell immediately below the D. So we can draw in the correct diagonal, and complete the H on the bottom row as well.

Line Segment worked example - 10

This gives us another constrained cell (highlighted). There’s only one way we can draw a line on that, and that’s by going up and to the right diagonally.

Line Segment worked example - 11

We don’t know if that diagonal is three or four cells long, so we’ll just draw three for now. (Note: If we think about two moves ahead, it’s pretty easy to see it must be four cells long. The fourth cell could potentially be part of a horizontal line, but that would cut off a cell below it. We’re keeping things simple here and not thinking too far ahead, so we’ll just draw it three cells long for now.)
Working methodically back up the puzzle, we have a D (highlighted) on the right that can only go one way, so we’ll add that next.

Line Segment worked example - 12

There’s a pair of Ds that only have one place to go, so we’ll draw that line in.

Line Segment worked example - 13

Still working our way up, we’ve got another highlighted cell with only one way to go – another diagonal. We’ll draw that one in too.

Line Segment worked example - 14

If we draw our attention to the cell highlighted in blue, we can see that with this latest diagonal in place, it can no longer form part of a horizontal line with the cell to its left, because it would only be two cells wide. So that cell must be a diagonal, no other option. We can draw that in, and at the same time connect that orphaned H to the existing 3-cell horizontal to its left.

Line Segment worked example - 15

Phew, nearly there! We only have two cells remaining. The very top right must be part of the horizontal line to its left, because that line isn’t long enough yet (all lines must be three or four cells long).

The final cell on row four must be an extension of the diagonal - no other option.

Line Segment worked example - 16 - final solution

That’s it - we've solve the puzzle!

Try Line Segment Yourself

Ready to have a go yourself? We’ve put together a taster of four puzzles for you, including the example above. You can download and print the PDF below. Solutions are included, but no cheating!

Download Our Line Segment Taster

Where To Play

We include Line Segment in Puzzle Weekly from time to time. Puzzle Weekly is our free weekly puzzle magazinefind out more, and get your copy, here.

This Week:

  • Number Cross
  • Mazes
  • Sudoku
  • Kid's puzzles
  • Colouring page
Puzzle Weekly, 23rd September 2024

Hidato is a logic puzzle invented by Gyora Benedek, a scuba-enthusiast mathematician who says he was inspired by watching the complex paths of fish while diving. There are numbers, but don’t worry – like Sudoku, they’re just symbols – there’s no mathematics involved! 

The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid with consecutive numbers that connect horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Here is a small sample Hidato puzzle:

Small example Hidato puzzle

Rules of Hidato

The rules of Hidato are very simple: fill in all the missing numbers in the grid such that they connect consecutively from smallest to largest, touching horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. In other words, starting at 1, it must be possible to travel to 2, then 3, then 4 and so on, by moving between touching squares. 

Here’s what our small sample puzzle looks like once it’s solved. We’ve overlaid the arrow to make it easier to see the path from 1 to 16:

The solution to the earlier small example Hidato puzzle.

Solving Hidato Puzzles

Every puzzle has a single and unique solution. They are solved using a process of elimination. Here are some tips to help you, and then we’ll look at a worked example.

  • Start with placements that you are certain of. In the example above, the first number we need to place is the 4. There are four empty cells touching the 3, but only one of them also touches the 5, so that must be where the 4 goes.
  • When you reach a number with more than one possible placement option, skip ahead. On your first pass through the puzzle, complete all the sections where placement is in no doubt. You can then return to the beginning and will find some earlier areas you could not complete now have a single solution.
  • Sometimes you can skip ahead a few numbers, find a placement, then return to to where you skipped from and you can fill in the blanks.
  • If you’ve skipped ahead more than a few numbers, once you have placed a number it can be helpful to then work backwards. Often you can get all the way back to where you left your initial gap.
  • Keep an eye out for potential dead-ends. If filling in a number will isolate an empty cell that can’t be connected to any of those surrounding it (a dead end), you’re making an error.
  • When faced with two or more cells a number could go in, look at the pre-filled numbers in the surrounding area. You may find that one or more of your candidate cells must be used to connect them, thus giving you your answer. This technique works well in easier to intermediate level puzzles.
  • In harder level puzzles, work out likely routes between pre-filled numbers. Even if you don’t know the exact cells the numbers go in, you can work out the rough route they must take based on how many cells they must traverse. When you work out two or three such routes, you’ll see places where they cannot go (because they would cut off other routes) – this can give you further placements.
  • If you have two paths open to you, consider writing in candidates (small numbers), like with Sudoku. That way, when you fill in one of those two cells with a definitive placement, you can erase the small candidates and immediately fill in the other cell as well.

Worked Example

Hidato puzzle, worked example - starting position.

Here’s a bigger puzzle, though still an easy one. We'll work through step by step. If you want to print it out to play along, it's part of our Taster PDF you can download at the bottom of this page.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - possible placements

We’ll start at number 1, because starting at the beginning is as good a place as any for easy level puzzles. We know we need to place the 2 and the 3 somewhere (the next pre-filled number being 4). Starting from the 1, there are three cells available for the 2.

Although cell A touches the 1, we cannot possibly put the 2 in there, because we can’t get from there to the 4 in one cell. So the 1 goes in either B or C.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - potential placement of two numbers

We could put the 2 in B and the 3 in C like this. At first glance this looks good. But there’s a problem. Can you spot it?

The problem is that to get from the 9 to the 11 we know we will have to put the 10 in cell B. So the 2 cannot go there.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - definitive placement of a number

It has to go in cell C, like this.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - filling in part of the puzzle

Now we have an easy run, using the same logic to fill in numbers all the way up to 19. You may notice that the 12 appears to have two possible placements, but only one is valid because we cannot block the path between 27 and 29.

We are faced with a choice for where we put the 20: cell A and cell B. It’s very easy to work out which must be the answer. The next printed number is 24, so that’s where we are headed. If we put the 20 in cell B, it won’t be possible to reach 24, it’s too far. So the 20 must go in cell A

Hidato puzzle, worked example - another definitive placement

There’s another choice here. 21 could conceivably go in A or B – both let us get to 24. We don’t know which it is yet, so we’ll have to skip ahead.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - filling in everything up to number 33

Counting up from the 24, we can get all the way to 33 with no decisions to make.

After the 33, we are faced with a choice, where to put the 34, in A or B? Again, the answer is simple because cell A is the only possible path between the 41 and the 43, so we must put the 34 in cell B, leaving A free for the 42.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - filling in everything to 49

Once we’ve done that, we’ve got a clear run all the way to 49. We’ve already completed more than half the puzzle!

It’s not immediately clear whether we should place the 50 in cell A or B – either would work. Instead of worrying about that, let’s skip ahead.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - skipping ahead a few numbers

Counting from the 53, we can add in numbers taking us all the way to 67. The 68 could go in cell B or C. Looking around that area, we can see that we need to put the 73 somewhere, and maybe that goes in cell C, but it doesn’t have to, so we cannot use that to determine where the 68 goes. 

Hidato puzzle, worked example - spotting an easy placement

Let’s look and see if there are any other numbers we can definitely place. 79 is easy to spot.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - counting backwards

From there, we can keep counting backwards, placing the 76, 75, all the way down to 71.

Hidato puzzle, worked example - another definitive placement

Now we know that cell C must contain 70...

Hidato puzzle, worked example - filling in previously skipped numbers

That means cell B must contain 68, which means A must be the 50 we couldn’t decide about earlier.

Now we can go back and fill in the rest of the cells – they are all easy. Can you do it? If you want to check your answers, have a look at the Hidato Taster PDF below – it’s got a few puzzles for you to try including this one, along with the solutions.

Try Hidato Yourself

Ready to have a go yourself? We’ve put together a taster of four puzzles for you, including the example above. You can download and print the PDF below. Solutions are included, but no cheating!

Download Our Hidato Taster

Where To Play

We publish Hidato puzzles in Puzzle Weekly from time to time. Puzzle Weekly is our free weekly puzzle magazinefind out more, and get your copy, here.

Puzzle Genius is an imprint of Shelfless.
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